‘Hwefom Glass Nkoaa ’ And Other Terms Used By Twene Jonas, The Ghanaian-US ‘Blogger’

comedian and blogger jonas twene

If you are a social media freak or you have spent even an hour on any of the social media platforms espcially Facebook, then you must have bumped into a video of Twene Jonas.

Major terms used by Twene Jonas on social media


Popular terms used by Jonas Twene


Twene Jonas mostly compares Ghana and the United States of America where he currently is and in effect, he blasts the leaders of Ghana for only spending on their self and their family and not thinking about the rest of the citizens.

Twene Jonas again criticizes the leaders and those citizens who have been fighting over these leaders with some funny terms which has made him to become the internet’s sensation.


lthough many Ghanaians always blast him on his looks especially his unshaved hairs, his bad clothes and sometimes his yellowish teeth, he however is always unperturbed about what others say.

Thedistin.com has sighted on all the popular terms Twene Jonas have been using when reporting from New York live and comparing the infrastructure in America to that of his country Ghana.

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